San Diego Clinic Tijuana, Mexico |
Mailing address is 555 Saturn Blvd. · Suite B-452 · Diego, CA. 92154 · USA, but the clinic is in Tijuana.
Recently we visited a number of clinics in Mexico, including this clinic. For our notes, go to our page on clinic visits.
Filiberto Muñoz, M.D., is the medical director of the San Diego Clinic. The clinic is located in Tijuana about a block from the border. It is a smaller, outpatient clinic. Costs to go to this clinic are usually much less than other clinics in Mexico and we work with a consultant who may be able to arrange discounts for people who wish to go to this clinic.
This clinic uses a "Total Integrative Medicine Program" - the use of all major forms of alternative and complementary therapies, which may also include allopathic medicines, to treat specific cancers and other degenerative conditions.
In addition to cancer they treat rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, lupus, scleroderma, multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), multiple allergies, and other systemic and metabolic conditions.
Therapies include detoxification, nutritional programs, boosting the immune system, enzyme therapy, Biological (Biological Response Modifiers, especially cytokines) and Immunological Therapies, including T/Tn Antigen/Springer vaccines, Newcastle virus therapy, and VG-1000 vaccines, chelation, and immune boosters like Iscador.
The information on this page is provided by The Cancer Cure Foundation based on information we have received from a variety of sources, including the clinic itself, feedback from people who have gone to the clinic, and in some cases from clinic tours. The listing of a doctor or clinic here does not signify an endorsement by the Cancer Cure Foundation, unless we have indicated it. We encourage you to check out each clinic by visiting the clinic if possible, talking to people who have gone to the clinic (ask the clinic for contact information of people who have gone to the clinic), and by checking with other organizations as to what they know about the clinic. There are also some forums you can join to get feedback from others. We would also be happy to tell you what we know about any of these clinics.
If you do go to any of these clinics for treatment, be sure to mention you heard about them through The Cancer Cure Foundation, and be sure to let us know about your experience, positive or negative. Any feedback you can offer may help others who are trying to decide which clinic to go to or which therapy to use.