The ultimate one-stop source for information about alternative cancer treatments, therapies and clinics.
"First do no harm"
The Cancer Cure Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching and providing information about alternative cancer treatments and therapies since 1976. Your tax deductible donation will be used to further this important mission.
Click to email the Cancer Cure Foundation, G. Edward Griffin, Art Brown, or any of our staff to get information to help you with complimentary, non toxic, alternative and holistic therapy for all kinds of cancers.Email us at: [email protected]

Pets and Cancer

There are many sites that offer suggestions on how to treat pets with cancer. These sites include:

Alt Vet Med has a great directory of alternative vets at

Dr. Bob & Susan Goldstein of The Earth Animal Center for Healing run a Veterinary Hotline. For more information, go to or call 203-222-0260. They offer counseling and referrals.

Shirley's Wellness Cafe has a variety of inks and provides quite a bit of information on alternative cancer therapy for animals, side effects of vaccines, antibiotics, and pet nutrition.

Then Some Health Pet Health Care has some great links at

Healing Hands discusses Reiki, massage, and acupressure information for animals - Virginia area

The Pet Project lists holistic vets in the Los Angeles area

Natural Animal Health in the UK, including a list of vets offering alternative therapies in the United Kingdom


Books on using alternative therapies for Pets:

Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care
A listing of books is at


Enzymes, nutritional supplements and nutrition programs for animals:

Robert McDowell's Herbal Treatments is a very informative sight offering information on cancer and herbal remedies. has nutritional supplements used by vets as an alternative to harsh medications and chemotherapies to help reduce pain and restore mobility in pets of all ages. (Mention the Cancer Cure Foundation and get a free bottle with your first order.) You can also consult with a nutritionist.


Additional listing of vets that use alternative therapies:

To contact a vet that uses laetrile in treating cancer:

Walter A. McCall, D.V.M. - Campbell, CA (408) 378-5190

In Meridan, CT, contact Stephen Tobin, DVM at (86) 238-9863

Countryside Animal Hospital - Dr. Gloria Weintrub in Medford, NJ 08055
(609) 953-3502 offers conventional and alternative therapies.