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"First do no harm"
The Cancer Cure Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching and providing information about alternative cancer treatments and therapies since 1976. Your tax deductible donation will be used to further this important mission.
Click to email the Cancer Cure Foundation, G. Edward Griffin, Art Brown, or any of our staff to get information to help you with complimentary, non toxic, alternative and holistic therapy for all kinds of cancers.Email us at: [email protected]


Essiac is an herbal concoction composed of Burdock, Indian Rhubarb, Sorrel, Slippery Elm and other ingredients. It was developed by a nurse in Canada, Rene Caisse (Essiac is Caisse spelled backward). Caisse gave the formula to a company in Canada who markets the product today. Indian Rhubarb contains benzaldehyde, one of the components of Amygdalin (Laetrile). Many alternative physicians use Essiac to help cleanse the blood, especially if a patient has been on chemotherapy or radiation. Note: Not all formulas being sold today are authentic.

For a history of Essiac and some good links, go to, or Rene Caisse's story.

There are many brands of essiac. For a list that might help you decide which one to use. go to

For a list of people who shouldn't use the tea and precautions, go to Mother Earth Herbs at http://www.motherearthherbs.

For a similar product called "Just Tea" go to