About the Cancer Cure Foundation
Mission Statement
Program services provided
Board of Directors
How we are funded
How the money is spent
Plans for the future
How to contact us
The Cancer Cure Foundation was formed in December of 1976 as a non-profit organization dedicated to research and education in alternative cancer therapies. One of our main goals is provide individuals with information about the availability of treatments, doctors and clinics and to assist them in gathering the information they need to make the best decision for their particular situation. In March, 2002 we decided to expand our mission to include information on other conditions. Hence, we changed our name to The Cure Research Foundation.
The Cure Research Foundation is dedicated to the advancement of healing without drugs. We began in 1976 with a special focus on cancer, and our cancer division is the backbone of our current program. In March 2002, we decided to cover other health disorders as well. As funding permits, we will be offering counseling services for each of the following conditions: Aids, Alzheimer's, arthritis, diabetes, heart and circulatory disorders, neurological disorders, and pathogen-related diseases. As soon as we have the funds, we will open divisions to provide information on each of these conditions.
For now only one division is fully functioning - The Cancer Cure Foundation.
If you’re in one of the following categories, The Cancer Cure Foundation may be able to assist you:
- You’ve just received a cancer diagnosis and want to know what your options are.
- You’ve chosen to do chemotherapy and/or radiation and want to use adjunctive tools (such as nutrition, diet, etc) to support your immune system during treatment.
- You have a history of cancer in your family and want to know how you can prevent yourself or other family members from developing cancer.
- You’ve been given a terminal diagnosis by a conventional doctor with no chance of recovery using conventional methods.
Here are some of the questions you may be asking that Cancer Cure Foundation can help you with:
- Can I combine conventional treatment methods with alternative methods?
- What doctors and clinics are available locally, regionally and nationally that might be appropriate for my situation.
- What types of treatments would a physician at an integrative/alternative clinic suggest for my situation?
- How reliable are the alternative treatments?
- What are the costs involved, and how much will my insurance company most likely cover?
- Can I speak with other individuals who have used alternative treatment methods for this type of cancer successfully?
- What books and web-sites are recommended for learning more about alternative therapies and clinics?
- What are the laws regarding the use of alternative medicine for cancer in my state?
We are a small organization but we are highly motivated. Take a look at the financial report below that shows how our money is spent and you will see that we have very little fund-raising and administrative overhead. Few organizations can match that record.
We currently are engaged in the following public-service programs:
- The operation of a hot line for cancer patients and their families providing information, guidance, and medical referrals.
- Development of a list of doctors and hospitals which specialize in alternative cancer therapies or integrated approaches.
- The dissemination of educational materials such as books, research papers, audio and video tapes on the nature of cancer and its treatment.
- The maintenance of a public library containing books, pamphlets, research papers, and the development of a data base of information on cancer and related health issues.
- Website that includes information on alternative approaches and alternative practitioners
The Cancer Cure Foundation Staff
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G. Edward Griffin - President of the Cancer Cure Foundation G. Edward Griffin is the founder of The Cancer Cure Foundation. He has also served on the board of directors of the National Health Federation and the International Association of Cancer Victims and Friends. Mr. Griffin is a writer and documentary film producer with many successful titles to his credit. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his unique talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand. He is the author of the book World Without Cancer. |
We are here to help answer your questions, so don’t hesitate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phones and emails may also be answered by one of our volunteers.
If you wish to contact anyone on our Board of Directors, they can be reached through the Cancer Cure Foundation.
G. Edward Griffin, President, Researcher and author
June deSpain Nelson, Nutritionist and Dietitian
Thomas A. Dorman, M.D. - Medical Doctor
Robert James, Inventor
Thomas Jeffers, Esq., Attorney
Stephen Richardson, D.C., Chiropractor
The work of The Cancer Cure Foundation is funded primarily by donations, bequests, and royalties from the operation of several thrift stores in the Los Angeles area. To arrange for a pick-up in your area, call us at (877) 287-3231.
We also receive donations of used autos, boats, trucks, and RVs which are then sold at public auction. Call (800) 282-2873 for details. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible.
We have just joined with several organizations that will help make it easy to make donations to our organizations, even when shopping online. You can also make monetary donations online to help us continue our work. See our Donations page.
We receive no funds from government agencies or pharmaceutical companies.
If you would like to find out how to remember us in your will, or if you would like to make a donation, call (800) 282-2873, or e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you would like to do an online donation, see our donations page for details.
We are hoping to hire additional staff members to help us field phone calls and emails. Your donations will help us continue to offer our services at no charge.
Most recent fiscal year 2013:
Our wish list of projects to undertake if and when adequate funding becomes available includes the following:
- An "Alive and Well" day to celebrate those who have used alternative approaches to treating their cancer
- Cancer prevention seminars
- Annual health fair
- Simple research projects that can be implemented by high-school and college biology classes to demonstrate the link between nutrition and cancer.
- Our mission is to sponsor scientific study in areas like nutrition, herbal remedies, immune-system stimulation, and cellular rejuvenation and to provide information to the public regarding the results of those studies. Note: The only animal testing we support is that which involves substances to make the animals healthier and live longer.
- Analysis of cancer statistics to produce more accurate interpretations of current trends and risk factors.
- Establish local chapters throughout the country to conduct public forums and to operate support groups for patients who have chosen alternative therapies.
- Operate a national speakers bureau to assist the local chapters.
- Produce educational videos on the subject of alternative cancer therapies and then donate them to libraries and video rental stores as a public service.
- Publish and distribute pamphlets and booklets on various aspects of alternative cancer therapies to be made available to the public free of charge.
- Expand our Internet website to make available to healthcare professionals a wide range of research papers on all aspects of cancer and its treatment.
How to contact us:
Phone numbers
(800) 282-2873
or 805-498-0185M-F 8-5 PST
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
P.O. Box 3782
Westlake Village, California
USA 91359