The ultimate one-stop source for information about alternative cancer treatments, therapies and clinics.
"First do no harm"
The Cancer Cure Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching and providing information about alternative cancer treatments and therapies since 1976. Your tax deductible donation will be used to further this important mission.
Click to email the Cancer Cure Foundation, G. Edward Griffin, Art Brown, or any of our staff to get information to help you with complimentary, non toxic, alternative and holistic therapy for all kinds of cancers.Email us at: [email protected]


800-SANOVIV (726-6848)

A health retreat located on the coast of the beautiful Baja California - Rosarito Mexico

Sanoviv is a health resort right on the ocean on the Baja Coast at Rosarito Beach. They are a modern, beautiful facility that incorporates modern diagnostics with a variety of treatment programs. They treat many cancers as well as many degenerative diseases. They also offer anti-aging/wellness programs. They believe the body has the power to heal itself when provided with the proper nutrients and when relieved of its accumulated toxic burdens.

Non-toxic materials were used in every step of construction and furnishings at Sanoviv. From the triple-filtered water system to the specially-made, untreated fibers in the carpeting and fabrics, Dr. Wentz, the owner, made every effort to create surroundings that support good health and healing environment.

Sanoviv is a holistic, integrated facility combining conventional medical assessment and treatment with alternative medical diagnostics and healing therapies. Each guest receives a personalized treatment plan, that may include biological dentistry, whole body hyperthermia, carnivora, darkfield microscopes, Bio-energetics, lymphatic and craniosacral massage, hydrotherapy, infra-red Sauna, Thalasso thermal therapy, biological response modifiers to boost the immune system, a complete detoxification program, nutritional and health education classes. They are one of the few clinics offering a mind/body program. Guests learn techniques for managing stress, understanding the mind-body connection, proper breathing, and meditation.

When we visited this facility, we were concerned that they were more of a retreat than a clinic that we could send people with later stage cancers to. However while we were there, they were treating some later stage cancers, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and more. The patients appeared happy with the staff, the facility and the care they were getting. As with all facilities, we encourage you to ask for names of people you can talk to who have gone there. We will try following up with some of these patients over the next year.

It costs about $4500 a week to stay at Sanoviv, but this is includes the room, all food, diagnostics and treatment programs except for CAT scans, and optional spa programs.

For one person's experience at this clinic, including pictures of the clinic, go to: Anna Marie Donaca had 30 tumors throughout her body.


The information on this page is provided by The Cancer Cure Foundation based on information we have received from a variety of sources, including the clinic itself, feedback from people who have gone to the clinic, and in some cases from clinic tours. The listing of a doctor or clinic here does not signify an endorsement by the Cancer Cure Foundation, unless we have indicated it. We encourage you to check out each clinic by visiting the clinic if possible, talking to people who have gone to the clinic (ask the clinic for contact information of people who have gone to the clinic), and by checking with other organizations as to what they know about the clinic. There are also some forums you can join to get feedback from others. We would also be happy to tell you what we know about any of these clinics.

If you do go to any of these clinics for treatment, be sure to mention you heard about them through The Cancer Cure Foundation, and be sure to let us know about your experience, positive or negative. Any feedback you can offer may help others who are trying to decide which clinic to go to or which therapy to use.

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