The ultimate one-stop source for information about alternative cancer treatments, therapies and clinics.
"First do no harm"
The Cancer Cure Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching and providing information about alternative cancer treatments and therapies since 1976. Your tax deductible donation will be used to further this important mission.
Click to email the Cancer Cure Foundation, G. Edward Griffin, Art Brown, or any of our staff to get information to help you with complimentary, non toxic, alternative and holistic therapy for all kinds of cancers.Email us at: [email protected]


New Hope Medical Center, Inc.
8390 E. Via de Ventura, Suite F-204
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Phone (480) 556-0182
Fax (480) 556-0175

Providence Hospital
Playas de Tijuana, Mexico
(011-52-6 ) 630-0700
Fax: (011-52-6) 630-0319
Phone consultation: 619-972-3831

Dr. Shaw in Woodland Hills, CA is a licensed acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist who provides treatment for a variety of illnesses including cancer, AIDS, allergies, ALS, candida, chronic fatigue, diabetes, gulf war syndrome, leukemias, lupus, and other conditions. His website is He is one of the few doctors in the United States that uses HANSI in his treatments. The clinic also offers Chinese Herbs, vitamins and minerals, and nutritional counseling. Call: (818) 888-1617 or (818) 346-8888 for information.

American Wellness Clinic in Cumming, Georgia is run by Dr. Rhett Bergeron. Additional staff includes a naturopath and hyperbaric oxygen therapy specialist. He offers therapies that most clinics in the U.S. do not offer. They treat all forms of cancer, including late stage cancers, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autoimmune diseases such as lupus and hepatitis, Chrons disease, aids, ALS, and more. (678) 679-0632. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Website:

San Diego Clinic in Tijuana uses a "Total Integrative Medicine Program" - the use of all major forms of alternative and complementary therapies to treat specific cancers and other degenerative conditions including MS, ALS, and CFS. Therapies include detoxification, nutritional programs, boosting the immune system, enzyme therapy, Biological (Biological Response Modifiers, especially cytokines) and Immunological Therapies, and a variety of vaccines. Costs to go to his clinic are very low compared to many other clinics. Contact: Vincent Gammill 858-523-9144 or toll free 800-557-2944 or you can email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..