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You might want to contact Dennis Roth who has done much research on brain tumors. His phone number is (973) 769-6511 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. He lives in NY. Since you can't get to a clinic easily, I believe it might be best to contact him for suggestions.


The following is information to help you with your research on brain tumors/cancers:
Medicine has some good links. However, please note they have info on Essiac, but some do not recommend using it with brain tumors. Go to for info on this.

Burzynski Clinic, in Houston is run by S.R. Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D. They have found their best results with brain cancer. They also treat non-Hodgkins lymphoma, prostate, and kidney cancer. Their main therapy is the use of antineoplastons. Therapy is very expensive here. 713-335-5697

Sanoviv is a holistic, integrated facility combining conventional medical assessment and treatment with alternative medical diagnostics and healing therapies. They treat some later stage cancers, chronic fatigue, diabetes, and more, though I don't know what successes they are having. You would need to talk to them. Their website is or for more info call (800) SANOVIV.


There is also another website that offers nutritional info - There is a pretty good cancer forum on this site if you would like to ask questions at any time. There are some pretty knowledgeable people on this site. They can make clinic suggestions too.

Some people have used the following products for brain tumors.

Poly MVA - - a very popular treatment for brain tumors. Expensive, but they claim good results with glioblastomas. They have a list of people you can talk to who have used the product. I hear good reports and negative reports on this one.

HANSI - I have heard some successfully used this. Heard of one child with a brain tumor who used HANSI successfully. Don't know about adults. Not currently recommending this product.

Ukrain - a few clinics including clinics in Mexico and Vincent Gammill use this.

Melatonin is often used with brain tumors. This should be monitored. As with most products, it shouldn't be used without consulting an alternative physician to be sure you are using it correctly.

From - "Anvirzel, which was thought to work only on cancers found early, however, very positive results have been found in people given just weeks to live. I have heard it suggested with brain tumors. Anvirzel, is an extract from oleander that doesn't appear to have many side effects. Available in Honduras and I
believe clinical trials may be done at Cleveland Cancer Center - a more conventional clinic. Some clinics in Mexico use it. I believe Vincent Gammill has information on it.

Vincent Gammill - He has an office in Solona Beach. He is a clinical pharmacologist who has a research lab in Southern California. He is up on conventional and alternative approaches, though most of his work is in the alternative arena. He is one of the most knowledgeable people I know. His email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or call him at 858-523-9144 or 800-557-2944.

There is a doctor in Oklahoma that uses magnets for brain tumors interestingly enough. I don't often refer people to him because I don't know a lot about his approach, but he has been sending me tons of info to back up his approach. He is now working with doctors around the country and has worked with brain tumors and cancers. It may be worth calling him to find out if his approach would work as an adjunct to other therapies. His name is William Philpott, MD - 405-390-1444.

Haelan is another product that seems to work but is expensive -

My information is that mistletoe is contraindicated for brain tumors, but some do use it.

I would also consider adding cottage cheese and flax oil to diet in addition to other approaches - Budwig approach - Our page on it is at

You could also see if there is a naturopath near you to work with. lists some. You could also ask for a referral from a local health food store.

If you can't decide what to do, we have a list of consultants that you can contact to help decide what to do on our consultants page at Or, on the same page we link to other organizations you could contact for feedback on approaches to use or clinics to consider.

One organization - NFAM has a some clinic reviews on some of the clinics listed above.