Actually we have a page on our website dedicated to breast cancer. You can view it at Breast Cancer
We also have doctors listed by state at List of clinics This will help you to find a doctor near you.
You could talk to Vincent Gammill - He has an office in Solona Beach. He is a clinical pharmacologist who has a research lab in Southern California. He is up on conventional and alternative approaches, though most of his work is in the alternative arena. He is one of the most knowledgeable people I know. His email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or call him at 858-523-9144 or 800-557-2944. A few people with breast cancer that worked with Vincent include:
Toni St. Claire This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (619) 435-2733
Jan Branham (949) 515-0660
Nancy Beaty (858)755-3010 weekdays and (760) 837-9929 on weekends.
There is a good website for information on breast cancer - AnnieAppleseed. and a good breast cancer forum at Amazon - for those people who are using alternative approaches. Some have done surgery but chosen not to do chemo and radiation. Others have taken a totally alternative route. These people are very supportive. For information, go to
A good forum is at "Alternative Cancer's website at Do some reading on their website while you are there for some good information. They have some good nutritional information. On the forum you can ask questions at any time. There are some pretty knowledgeable people on this site.
Also, there is a woman who successfully treated her breast cancer and she is putting together a book of a number of cancer victors - Bliss Page can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. She might be good to talk to. She worked with a doctor who helped her put together a home program for her and she is now in remission. Her website with her story is
In addition there are over 10 breast cancer survivors listed at including:
Nancy Cole in Tigard OR went to Dr. Brodie - 503-684-5688
Ruth Eastwood - Redwood City, CA went to Am Biologics and then Dr. Brodie - 650-366-7721
Carol Bradford in Chula Vista CA went to Am Biologics - 800-227-4458
Pat Prince in Mexia TX went to Intl Bio Care (IBC) - 800-467-1306
Lee Gerichter in Beverly Hills, CA - went to Stella Maris - Dr. Alvarez - 323-658-6876
Helen Mustain in Montebello, CA went to Stella Maris - Dr. Alvarez -323-723-2020
Ruth Walter also went to Stella Maris - Dr. Alvarez - she's in Massapequa Park NY - 516-798-2888
Myrna Oswill - Simi Valley CA went to Dr. Contreras (Oasis of Hope) and Dr. Privitera - 805-526-3044
If you want to look into any of these clinics, let us know. We may be able to provide additional information for you. For example, we are not currently recommending Am Biologics.
Mistletoe, also known as Iscador, is used at quite a few clinics in Mexico, overseas, and in the states. or - For more info, contact Weleda at - in NY at 800-241-1030. They can put you in touch with physicians who use it.
If you haven't seen Dr. Day's website it is at - She has a 10 step program that requires a complete change in life style.
Budwig Diet is easily incorporated into a daily routine. Bugwig Diet - For those who don't like dairy, you can substitute "companion nutrients" - read transcript at
In the treatment of cancer, naturopaths in the US typically play an adjunctive role to an oncologist, often providing individuals that are having surgery or receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation with nutritional and immune system support. About Natuopaths
There are several different treatment philosophies and approaches for using homeopathy to treat individuals with cancer. Often times practitioners that use homeopathy in the treatment of cancer use a combination of these approaches. Homeopathy
Nutritionists and Counselors that work with cancer - Nutritionists