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The Cancer Cure Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching and providing information about alternative cancer treatments and therapies since 1976. Your tax deductible donation will be used to further this important mission.
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You might want to look into Hoxsey and laetrile as approaches to consider. I don't think I would use either as an only approach, but together, or with other approaches, you might get best results - we encourage people to work with a clinic that uses a wide range of approaches.

We have a list of doctors that use laetrile on our website at Laetrile One doctor's protocol for the use of laetrile in treating cancer - The book "Alive and Well" by Dr. Binzel is up at

Info on Hoxsey is at for BioMedical Clinic, but you can get the product through a couple of other places - Vincent Gammill below or Dr. Fernando Arriola at 011-526-688-1669 or 685-3844 - He speaks perfect English. He used to work at Hoxsey Clinic. You might see if he can help. Info on Hoxsey is available at Also Dr. Castillo in Mexico 800-296-9881 - He uses laetrile, hoxsey, and a variety of approaches.

You could talk to Vincent Gammill - He has an office in Solona Beach. He is a clinical pharmacologist who has a research lab in Southern California. He is up on conventional and alternative approaches, though most of his work is in the alternative arena. He is one of the most knowledgeable people I know. His email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Or call him at 858-523-9144 or 800-557-2944.

In Texas, Dr. Gary Tunsky in Houston is a naturopath/nutritionist - 281-587-6100 - He can also help over the phone or in person. We have been hearing some good things about him. He is comfortable working with all types/stages of cancer.

In Cumming, GA - American Wellness Clinic - Dr. Bergeron offers therapies that most clinics in the U.S. do not offer. He treats all forms of cancer, including late stage cancers, auto immune diseases, and more. For more information contact American Wellness Clinic at 678.679.0632 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

You could also try: Dr. Brodie in Reno, Nevada is very good. He has been treating over 25 years and uses a wide range of approaches. 775-829-1009 or Fax: 775-829-9330 His program is affordable and very good.

Oasis is good because they can handle just about anything that comes up. Oasis of Hope in Mexico at Call and arrange for a free phone consultation with one of the doctors. It can be arranged by calling toll free (888) 500-4673. They are inpatient. They have treated over 100,000 patients in the last 36 years, even late stage cancers. Strong religious bend to this facility. They can be a bit more expensive than other approaches, but they have successfully treated many cancers, even harder to treat cancers. This is a hospital and does look like one. They may have a grant available, so be sure to ask.

There is also IBC - Intl Bio Care in Mexico - They are comfortable treating later stage cancers. International Bio Care Hospital (800) 785-0490. They may offer a discount if you let them know we referred you. They are a smaller clinic but they are very well known and do some "cutting edge" approaches. However, their gene therapy and hyperthermia treatments are more expensive than others.

New Hope in Scottsdale, AZ - 480-556-0182 - They are most well known for treating late stage cancers. They are a small clinic, but we have heard they are good.

The Revici Life Science Center Inc.
200 West 57th St, Suite 402,
New York, NY 10019.
Tel: 212 252-1942
They treat late stage cancers, especially brain, lung, pancreatic, and metastasized breast carcinomas, and also AIDS.

A good forum is at "Alternative Cancer's website at Do some reading on their website while you are there for some good information. They have some good nutritional information. On the forum you can ask questions at any time. There are some pretty knowledgeable people on this site.

For a list of consultants that you can contact to help decide what to do, go to our consultants page at We also list other organizations like ours that can give you their recommendations:


Loma Linda University uses proton beam therapy for treating cancers and tumors. This technology directs with precision where radiation goes, so even brain tumors can be treated. In addition lung and prostate cancers have been treated successfully using this treatment, as well as localized cancers of the brain, eye, head and neck, spinal cord, lung, abdomen, pelvis, and for noncancerous disorders, such as some forms of macular degeneration of the eye, arteriovenous malformations in the brain, and benign brain tumors. There are few side effects. More precise beam delivery increases the probability of disease control and reduces radiation received by normal tissues. Their website is and they can be reached by calling (800) 872-1212 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.